You will need:

  •  Felt Sheets A4 Orange(makes one)
  •  Black Ribbon 1M
  •  Felt Stars
  •  Double Sided Tape
  •  Fabric Pens/Tulip paint
  •  Ruler


1. Cut A4 sheet of orange felt in half lay each half back to back.

2. Measure and mark out slots 2 cm apart, creating 11 down each side and
six along the bottom. Cut the marked slots in both sheets.

3. Thread each end of the ribbon through the slots starting at the top, down
both sides and across the bottom to meet and tie in the middle. This will
hold the bag together.

4. Decorate with felt stars, or use fabric pens/tulip paints to drawn on
spooky designs or motifs for Halloween!

All items, or similar, are available from Play Resource Shop &

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