You will need:

  • Wooden spoons
  • Tissue Paper
  • Funky foam
  • Pipecleaners
  • Google eyes
  • PVA glue
  • Tape
  • Netting: scrap materials


  1. To make the sheep, crumple up small balls of white tissue paper and stick to the spoon with PVA glue. Curl a black pipecleaner into a dense oval shape and glue on top of the tissue. Stick on two google eyes. Make the ears by bending a black pipecleaner into shape and tape to the back of the spoon.
  2. To make the bee, cut an oval shape from yellow funky foam. Make it slightly larger than the head of the spoon. Give the bee stripes by sticking black pipecleaners across the yellow foam. Cut wing shapes from scrap net and stick to the back of the spoon. Make antennae from black pipecleaners and add google eyes.
  3. To make the bird, glue blue tissue paper to the spoon with PVA. Cut the beak shape from yellow foam and stick on, along with two google eyes. Bend two pipecleaners into wing shapes and tape to the back of the spoon.

All items (or similar) are available from Play Resource Shop & Scrapstore.

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