You will need:

  •  Paper Plates Large
  •  Black Paint
  •  Pipecleaners
  •  Stapler
  •  PVA Glue
  •  Black Markers
  •  Ribbon 1m
  •  White Paper


1. Cut a paper plate in half and staple together around curved edge only.

2. Paint entirely black, leave to dry. This will be the body.

3. Dip pipecleaner ends in PVA glue, then push into gaps between staples at sides for legs and bend into shape.

4. For mouth use a short piece of pipecleaner bent in a zig zag, glue this on with PVA glue. From white paper draw 2 circles and cut out. Use black marker to create eyes and also glue on.

5. Staple on a length of ribbon for handle and go Trick or Treating!

All items, or similar, are available from Play Resource Shop & Scrapstore.

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