You will need:

  • Yarn
  • Yarn Needles
  • Plastic Tray (Scrap)


  1. Tape the end of a length of yarn to the bottom of a plastic tray. To make your warp, wind the yarn eight times around the length of the tray. Keep an even spacing between the lengths of yarn. Tape the loose end to the back of the tray.
  2. Thread another piece of yarn through the eye of a yarn needle. Start at the top corner of your warp and pull the yarn over the first line and under the second. Continue going over and under.
  3. When you reach the end of the row, return back through the warp threads going over and under.
  4. You can change colours of yarn at any time. Finish a row with one colour and start the next row with the new colour.
  5. Keep weaving until the warp is full, then snip all the threads at the back of the tray. Tie the loose ends in pairs. You can then tuck the loose ends of yarns through your piece of weaving.

All items (or similar) are available from Play Resource Shop & Scrapstore.

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yarn needle