You will need:

  •  Calendar Tabs
  •  DAS Clay/ Plastercine
  •  PVA Glue
  •  Beads
  •  Coloured Wool/Threads – scrap


1. Roll coloured clay in to sausage shapes to create rainbow, make a
small hole in one end of each of the colours to thread the beads into

2. Use white clay to make cloud shape and mould together to the
rainbow. Then make a hole at the top of this for hanging.

3. When clay starts to dry (approx 1hr) attach calendar tab with glue, add
string to top to hang.

4. Tie a knot in length of wool/thread. Thread coloured beads on then
thread these through holes at end of rainbow and knot again to secure.

All items, or similar, are available from Play Resource Shop &

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