You will need:

  • Poly Egg
  • Small Poly Ball
  • Black & Orange Funky Foam
  • Cool Melt Glue Gun
  • Glue Sticks
  • Black & White Acrylic Paint


  1. Glue the small polyball onto the top of the polyegg. This will form the head and body of the penguin.
  2. Once the glue has set, paint the body and head of the penguin with black acrylic paint.
  3. When the black acrylic paint has dried, paint a small oval shape onto the chest of the penguin body in white.
  4. Cut out shapes for flippers, beak, and feet out of funky foam. Glue these to the head, side and bottom the penguin body.
  5. Finally, stick on the google eyes and your little penguin is complete!

All items (or similar) are available from Play Resource Shop & Scrapstore.

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