You will need:

  • Wool – scrap
  • Google Eyes
  • Polyball 70mm
  • Funky Foam Sheet
  • Foam Letters
  • PVA Glue
  • Skewer
  • Sports Stickers


1. With a serrated knife cut a small slice from base of polyball.

2. Use a 20cm length of cardboard to make pom-pom. Wrap
chosen colours of wool around card no less than 100 times. Tie
piece of wool through the middle and cut along one edge.

3. Spread out the wool evenly and glue to top of polyball. Stick on
google eyes and also foam hands and feet. Cut an 8cm ring from
funky foam to make a hat and glue this on.

4. Cut a funky foam rectangle 3cm x 12cm and glue on funky foam
letters to spell Dad (or chosen message). With a small piece of
skewer and sports stickers make a small flag and glue it to the hand.

All items, or similar, are available from Play Resource Shop
& Scrapstore.

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