You will need:

  •  3 Skewers
  •  Ruler
  •  Silver / Iridescent Pipecleaners
  •  Glow In the Dark Beads
  •  Scissors


1. Cut the points of the skewers (Done by an adult). Hold all 3 together and tightly wrap the pipecleaners around the middle of the bundle.

2. Separate skewers evenly into an asterisk shape and wrap the rest of wire around the asterisks centre.

3. Wrap end of pipecleaner twice around any skewer starting about 2cm from centre. String on a bead then pull the wire to the next skewer and wrap it round twice. Continue in this way until you reach the 1st skewer.

4. Use the same method to add the remaining rings on web.

All items, or similar, are available from Play Resource Shop & Scrapstore.

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