You will need:

  • 50mm Polyball
  • 75mm Polyball
  • White & Pink Felt
  • Master Medium PVA Glue
  • White Funky Foam
  • Google Eyes
  • White Pom Pom
  • Pink Ribbon


  1. Begin by putting a dollop of PVA glue onto the larger polyball then stick the smaller polyball on top. Place the polyballs on their side so that the glue can dry without them coming apart.
  2. Once the glue has dried, make bunny ears and nose by drawing onto the white and pink felt, cutting out, then glue onto the smaller polyball.
  3. Cut out sections from white funky foam to make bunny teeth, and then stick onto the smaller polyball along with google eyes.
  4. Draw bunny feet onto white funky foam and cut out. Use this as a template to draw a copy onto white funky felt and then also cut out. Glue the foam and felt together and then glue onto the bottom of the larger polyball.
  5. Complete your Easter Bunny by gluing a white pom pom onto the larger polyball and tying a ribbon bow around the neck of the bunny.

All items (or similar) are available from Play Resource Shop & Scrapstore.

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