You will need:

  • Baseball cap
  • Fabric paints
  • Fabric dye sticks


  1. Draw a design on the baseball cap with a fabric dye stick. We drew a floral design in black. Create a bold line by applying pressure and drawing in confident smooth strokes.
  2. Choose the colours of fabric paint you would like to use.
  3. Fill a pot or tub with water and add a small amount of one colour of fabric paint. Dip a paintbrush into the mixture then carefully hold your brush over the baseball cap and let the paint drip onto it. Move your paintbrush over the cap letting the paint fall on the areas you want to decorate.
  4. Repeat step 3 with all your chosen colours of fabric paint, using clean water each time. Let the colours overlap and blend, creating new shades and shapes.
  5. Build the colours up until you are happy with your design. Once your hat is dry it is ready to wear!

All items (or similar) are available from Play Resource Shop & Scrapstore.

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